The Big Bitcoin Question- What is it Good For, What Can You Do With it and Where

When anyone one gets interested in Bitcoin start researching the digital currency.  One of the first question they will want to know is…What is Bitcoin, What can I do with it, where can I get it, and can I make money with it?

Well this article that I found over at takes on these big questions and tries to give us a answer for each.  Read their article below and see if they did a good job in answering your questions.

One of the most notable things about the digital currency bitcoin is that while there is great excitement over the technology it is built on, there is no consensus on what function it may be best suited for filling. Furthermore, the most popular ideas are quite disparate, even contradictory, and they each suggest different things about where it should trade.

Cryptocurrencies like bitcoin — a segment of the market currently valued at nearly $700 billion, according to pricing website CoinMarketCap — are considered a new asset class, though they have elements of more traditional ones. Bitcoin was designed as a kind of currency, and it can been used as such, though it is classified as a commodity by the U.S. Commodity Futures Trading Commission and the IRS views it as property. It also trades like a stock, though not on traditional exchanges, and it is such a Wild West in terms of regulation that the prospects for a bitcoin exchange-traded fund look to be a no-go.

The three major use cases for it each involve one element of those properties. Some view it as a speculative vehicle, akin to a high-flying internet stock in the dot-com era; some view it as a means of transaction, similar to cash or credit cards, only without the backing of a government or central bank; finally, some see it as a store of value, a kind of digital gold that can be transported anywhere and can’t be seized.

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